Man am I ever glad I made some Lifestyle changes. Around 18 months or so ago I decided to make my health one of my priorities. I was really starting to get fed up with the same old routine of exercising without the nutrition to go along with it.

What made me change to this new way of living? I suppose there was a number of contributing factors:
• Getting really bored with the “old” me
• Folks thinking I was older than I really was
• Even on good days I was only able to have an abundance of energy for about an hour
• Life wasn’t going to change for me, so I decided to change
Above are only a few of the things that made me decide to go for a healthier life style. If I were to name them all it would take too long.

Was change a scary thing? U betcha, but day by day I could see myself improving or should I say folks could see me improving. Personally I couldn’t see the “change”… physically perhaps but not in my overall attitude.

Was this new lifestyle one that I could actually start to enjoy was my main concern. Early to bed, early to rise. Watching what I put into my body etc. etc.

I have always been up to a challenge but by far this was the biggest one. I’ve always had an abundance of support in whatever challenges I took on from family etc. but this perhaps would not be enough this time.

Then a family member suggested I take a course in personal fitness if I was really serious about this change and the rest is history.

A few months ago I took the final step and decided to quit smoking. I feel really great most days both physically and mentally. You’ve heard the sayings,”50 is the new 40” or “40 is the new 30”. I guess if ya take care of yourself you can subtract about 10 years off your age. Well I’m middle-aged and most days I feel better than when I was 30 so there goes that theory lol.
One last thing, If I can do it and be living a much more healthy lifestyle, so can you. You really have to want to though or it just doesn’t work. Get away from that comp. and go for a walk this spring, it’s a beginning and your mind and body will thank you for it.