I come from a small town in Northern New Brunswick, Canada. So small in fact that nothing stays a secret very long.
I’ve always been into physical fitness but as I know now, I really didn’t know the proper way to stay fit. Exercising wrong, not eating right, smoking, drinking to much, were just a few of the thing that needed to change.
The change came when I had my yearly physical from my doctor and was informed that I wasn’t too healthy. Kind of a wake up call.
I decided to make some much needed lifestyle changes but something was still missing.
Then I took a few basic physical education courses on line and found out I truly enjoyed learning about this stuff and at the same time learning how to eat right and yes exercise properly.
Then came the real turning point when I decide to make a career move and take a personal trainer course. To say the least, I was just a little overwhelmed at the beginning. I wasn’t sure if I was studying to be a personal trainer or a nurse!
All’s well that ends well though. I’ve become an NCSF Personal Trainer, CanFitPro Personal Training Specialist, and have recently been certified to coach on line by OTA. (Online training Academy.
That was a while ago. I now specialize in training folks in their prime and beginners. If you want to start feeling your age again or perhaps even younger I’m here to help. There is no need to blah anymore. Most of the time it’s due to not moving enough and poor nutrition.
I now offer on line coaching through a neat little app called Trainerize. Look on my home page and click the Trainerize link, center page, to learn more.
What is online coaching?
Online training is a new and exciting way to offer life changing, transformation, fitness coaching to clients. It can be utilized by anyone, anywhere, offering convenience, responsiveness, flexibility, and affordability. With it, I can empower my clients with more accountability and support than I ever could in-person.
Leveraging the power of the internet and cutting out the overhead costs of the gym means that you get more from your hard-earned dollar. Using online check-in and communication tools I empower you with more accountability and support than I ever could in-person.
Simply put: My online clients get SO much more from me than my in-person clientele ever could.
The best part? The program is your program. No longer limited by rules of the gym, scheduling necessities, and financial obligations to a host of other parties, I can give you precisely what you need, when you need it.
Throw the word ‘training’ out the window. I will be your concierge – giving you what you need, when you need it. Every client is different from one another. That, and over the course of your training you will need different things from me in terms of direction, support, and accountability.
With online training I can give you what you need, when you need it. https://onlinetrainer.com/what-online-training/
I look forward to meeting you and by any chance you have the desire to have a better life, I’m to help you being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.