Well it’s finally spring. A time when a young man’s fancy turns to love and yes this middle aged man’s fancy turns to I guess a bit of love and a whole lot of outdoor activities. A large part of those outdoor activities include, for me personally, and hopefully for you also, is being active.
In case you’re wondering, it’s never too late to become active and spring is the perfect time for it. The great outdoors can be your personal home Gym. You know, ya don’t need a treadmill to go for a 30 minute walk.
I always get a great kick when I see a person with a lawn about 100’ x 50’ or in metric about 30m x 15m cutting their lawn with a riding lawn mower. My goodness mowing the lawn with a push mower is just about one of the best cardio workouts you can do in the spring or summer.
I for one can’t wait to hear someone complaining that it’s too hot. I’ve never been one to complain a whole lot about the heat except when it comes to sleeping. We all need the proper amount of shut eye to maintain good health. So when it’s hot and humid overnight sometimes a good sleep is hard to come by.
I’ll list a few things that I do personally to maintain good health in the spring, summer, and fall.
• Even though there is a lot of daylight in the evening up until 10 pm, it’s still an early to bed, early to rise routine.
• Yard maintenance. Ex: mowing the lawn with a push mower, landscaping, etc. etc.
• Hiking. I just love to climb a local mountain called the “Sugarloaf”. I’ll post a few pictures soon from one of my hikes last summer. There’s a trail going up the side of the mountain.
• Biking. That one is my favorite.
That’s just a few, there are so many more. So welcome spring and summer soon to follow by getting out there and moving a little to start (see your doctor first). By the time summer comes, you’ll be happy you did. Your mind and body will thank you for it. Be sure not to forget to apply sunscreen before getting some sun and some bottled water for hydration also.